As publication giants like Conde Nast introducing fashion and lifestyle magazines in emerging markets like China, India and South Africa nationally unknown designers get their chance to creep up on the international scene. Press in magazines like Vogue does generate high level of publicity for designers who name might never even reach beyond their country’s border.

Worth keeping an eye ball on from the Far East is SIEG, a Korean designer. Living in the world of fashion anonymous SIEG have expressed their disinterest for foreigner by design a website non-user friendly for anyone with Korean illiteracy. What makes a visit to their site even more annoying is the slow and sluggish speed. In other words dismay for anyone curious about their products.

Living in global isolation SIEG are apparently well informed about what we westerns are up to and have taken a taste of western fashion by hiring one of the biggest male models at the moment, Sean O’pry. That would be like a soccer team on Easter Island recruiting a top player like Andriy Shevchenko to play in their domestic league. What’s strangest in this secrecy is that their SIEG’s website isn’t even indexed on or They seem to want to retain all their attractive clothes for themselves which is ironic since their lovely creations look tailored to nicely blend in amongst western designs.

It’s a shame because the images in the look book are absolutely gorgeous. The clothes and scenery will make your left ear tingle if you are familiar with COS(Collection of Style) which is a fashion house owned by H&M designing clothes in the style. Despite the similarities in colour choice, product line and design philosophy, SIEG draws the longest straw in this duel. With a taste for simple lines and excellent fabric choices what’s sets SIEG apart from COS is the execution and presentation is utterly splendid. Everything look as tasteful and elegant as a violin or piano.

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